Groups are back to meeting in person!
Call us at 204-947-2422 ext. 113 (leave a message and we will call you back) or email
You can also let us know you’re interested in family programs by filling out this form.
Families Connecting
Families Connecting groups are part of the Healthy Baby Community Support Programs that connect pregnant people and parents of children under age 1 with other parents, families, and health professionals. Bus tickets, milk coupons (for pregnant people and up to 6 months postnatal), healthy snacks, and childminding for children over the age of 1. Rhymes and songs for babies and giveaways for parents are also part of the program. For more information, call 204-947-2422 ext. 113 or email us.

Coping with Change
Groups happening now! Please contact us for dates and times.
To register or for more information:
Call 204-947-2422 ext. 113 or
The PDF version of Coping with Change is available for download:
WHC Coping with Change – A New Parent’s Guide (English)
WHC Coping with Change – A New Parent’s Guide (French)

Nobody’s Perfect
Nobody’s Perfect is a group to support parents of children from birth to five. We invite you to meet other parents and share your experiences. Together with a trained group leader, participants will learn from one another and discover ways of positive parenting.
Groups happening now! Please contact us for dates & times.
204-947-2422 ext. 113 OR

Pregnancy and Infant Loss
The Dragonfly Support Program supports people impacted by pregnancy loss, infant loss, and babies born to spirit. We offer counselling, peer support, group support, and resources for individuals and families. We also provide education and training for service providers, communities, and organizations. Learn more by contacting