Gathering for Bereaved Mother's Day
We will be hosting a gathering on Bereaved Mother's Day for people of all genders impacted by pregnancy and infant loss and babies born to spirit.
When: Sunday, May 5th 12 – 4 pm
Where: Ode'imin (603 St. Mary's Road)
What: Community connection, sacred fire, sharing circle and feast
(Lunch and snacks provided)
Register here if you can so we have numbers for lunch orders. If you don't get a chance though, please feel free to drop-in - you won't be turned away!
This gathering is intended to provide a supportive space for grieving parents, including those who may find it challenging to be around infants or young children. We ask that those with living children make arrangements for childcare or contact us ahead of time if childcare is a barrier for you to attend.
RSVP by clicking here