Expressing Yourself – Healthy Communication in Relationships
June 17
6PM - 8PM
WHC (2nd floor) 419 Graham Ave
Contact Email
For many of us, being able to communicate our needs and desires in relationships takes practice. In this workshop, we will explore some tool that can support more effective communication. This is an interactive workshop! Please come prepared to participate.
Workshops are free and open to people of all genders aged 16 and up. We welcome clients, community members, families, and service providers. You do not need to have an eating disorder to attend, only a desire to have a more balanced and peaceful relationship with food and your body.
To register, please email edprogram@womenshealthclinic.org with your name, number, and workshop titles you are registering for. You can also call (204) 947-2422 ext. 137 for more information